Monday, August 12, 2019

What If Jesus Led Your Small Group Bible Study?

by Mark Mitchell

What would it be like to be a part of a Bible study group led by Jesus? Until recently, I never presumed that it would be possible to answer that question with any kind of authority. Then I realized that the discourse in John 13 -17 that Jesus had with his disciples on his last night with them might provide a clue. Consider what seven things we can learn in the upper room from Jesus, the quintessential small group leader.


Jesus prepared for uninterrupted time with His small group. This meeting wasn’t just thrown together; it wasn’t a spontaneous affair.  He gave careful instructions as to the preparation for their time together.
Jesus teaches us that Bible study groups don’t happen by accident; they require intentionality on the part of the leader. Leaders must be intentional about the planning and preparation of every phase of the group’s time together.


Jesus modeled what He taught. For example, He desired His disciples to be people who served one another in genuine humility, so He washed their feet in a shocking display of divine meekness. Jesus also desired that they be people of prayer, so He fervently prayed to the Father in dependence and gratitude.
Bible study leaders who wish to pass on life-changing truth to their group members would do well to heed this principle. One authentic act of righteousness displayed before the group is worth a thousand lectures.


Jesus allowed room for questions. Most of what Jesus taught in the upper room was in response to questions that the disciples asked.
Successful small groups are ones in which many questions are asked by the group as well as the leader. Fielding questions is as much of an art as asking them is. Leaders must learn to welcome questions, even when they seem unimportant or threatening. Often these questions are opportunities provided by the Holy Spirit for the group to discover something new or uniquely helpful.


Jesus created an atmosphere in which His group was free to fail. On two occasions during their evening together, Jesus told His disciples that they would soon fail Him. Later, they would remember that He made these predictions right alongside promises of His continued presence and committed love. This combination of personal failure and committed love would become the raw material for an entirely new understanding of their self-worth and adequacy for ministry – one rooted not in their performance, but in God’s love and sufficiency.


Jesus treated the people in His group as friends by sharing all that He knew with them. Rather than give orders that He expected them to obey without explanation, He chose to lead through loving dialogue. This method would insure that their discipleship was internalized rather than born from mindless conformity.


Jesus could change His agenda to meet the needs of His groups. Effective small group leaders are aware of the emotional pulse of their group. They are even willing to change their agenda in order to deal with the pressing needs and feelings of an individual.


Jesus ministered to His group by His absence as well as His presence. At several points in the upper room, and later in the garden, Jesus told His group that His departure was best for them because it was necessary for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Small group leaders are rightly concerned about being present for the group both in and out of the planned meetings, but rarely do they consider that they can also minister to them by their absence. In the leader’s absence, the group is set free from compulsions the leader may have and learns to depend on and listen to the Holy Spirit.

As Bible study leaders, we would do well to follow Jesus’ example given in the upper room as we lead our small groups, with one qualification: We must remember that we are not Jesus. There are certain things He did for His group that we can’t do for ours. Jesus said to the disciples, “Where I am going, you cannot come.” Nobody could follow Jesus where He was going, because no one else could be the world’s savior. While striving to follow Jesus’ example in every other respect, in this we can only point our group to Him.


FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Breathing Life into Sunday School by Ken Braddy -

FOR BIBLE STUDY: Bible Studies for Life: 8 guideposts for discipleship development -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP:  Register for a free webinar on the 8 signposts of discipleship and how to use it to develop a strategy for discipleship!

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Discipleship Pathway Assessment (DPA) – an online tool to help your congregation see their strengths and weaknesses in their discipleship -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Defined by Alex Kendrick (based on the Overcomer movie) -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Gospel Foundations -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Homegrown: A Parenting Guide -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Disciple Her by Kandi Gallaty -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Sacred Holidays by Becky Kiser -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY:  20/20 Seen. Chosen. Sent. by Christine Caine -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Sign up for the LifeWay Men’s Newsletter -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Heroic, The Surprising Path to True Manhood by Bill Delvaux -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: No More Excuses by Tony Evans - Host a men's event around this streaming event and follow it up with the associated Bible study.

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Defined studies (based on the Overcomer movie); 

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Milestones - Use this 6 volume set to establish your youth in 10 key spiritual principles (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Creation, People, Salvation, Church, Family, Community & World).

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY:  Levels of Biblical Learning expanded to 12th grade -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Defined (based on the Overcomer movie) by Stephen Kendrick

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: KidMin Toolbox (for those times when you looking for that something extra to do) -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Curriculum Comparison Chart -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: What does it Mean to be a Christian - Here's a brand new resource to help children understand what it means to be a Christian.

My feature article this month gives 14 ideas for your church to try out to minister to your community.  Plus there are some resources to help  you in -
- church leadership & training
- discipleship & small group ministry
- student ministry
- kids ministry
- women’s ministry
- men’s ministry

Here's the link to view the blog:

NOTICE: If you wish to be removed from this extremely exclusive and highly sought after list of recipients for this wonderfully informative and greatly entertaining blog, please email me at richard.edfeldt@lifeway. I will abide by your bewildering wishes with great reluctance and sorrow.  And know you will be missed and when you come to your senses, you will be gladly received in the same way the father received his prodigal son.

Five great insights in growing small groups/Bible study groups.

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