Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things You Need to Know

It’s time to order your fall Bible study materials. Here’s some things you need to know:

1.      You need to order by July 11(for GA churches) to get a 5% discount on your order.
2.      The ‘Bible Studies for Life’ curriculum series will have a new look this fall, including:
a.       Different names for each age grouping
b.      Promotional helps (videos, banners, web aids,etc.)
c.       Uniform 6 week long studies that addresses life issues (2 per quarter plus a bonus study)
d.      Each study is aligned throughout all age groups
e.       Helps for parents to have substantive spiritual conversations with their children around each week’s Bible study
f.       A plan that develops disciples with intent and wisdom
g.       Studies can be used in a variety of settings
h.      Details about the changes listed above can be found at http://www.lifeway.com/n/product-family/Bible-Studies-for-Life
3.      You will have your choice of Bible translations in your Bible study curriculum-KJV, NIV, HCSB, ESV (digital only) http://www.lifeway.com/n/bible-studies-for-life/options
4.      A new ordering system is being introduced. This video will explain its features: http://www.lifeway.com/Article/LifeWay-Church-Ordering-Step-by-Step

FOR CHURCH-WIDE EVENT: Follow Me Simulcast with Dr. David Platt, August 16, 6:00pm/EDST, broadcasting from an undisclosed place where it’s dangerous to follow Christ, David Platt will challenge you to live your faith at a deeper level - http://www.lifeway.com/Event/adult-event-follow-me-simulcast

FOR CHURCH-WIDE EVENT: Experiencing God documentary – DVD multi-pack kit includes 10 DVDs to share, lifetime site license, movie posters, immediate availability of download of movie - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/experiencing-god-documentary-dvd-multi-pack-P005586193

FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADER TRAINING: 2013 Georgia Baptist Sunday School Training Workshops, August 3, 10, 17, 24; click on the link to find which of the 23 workshops is closest to you –

FOR NEW MEMBER TRAINING: I Am a Church Member by Dr. Thom Rainer, a great gift for new members or class material for a new member’s class - http://www.lifeway.com/Keyword/i+am+a+church+member?emid=Product-PastorsToday-IAmaChurchMember-20130701

FOR SMALL GROUP MINISTRY: 10 Ideas for a Great First Small Group by Mark Howell - http://biblestudyinsider.com/2013/01/15/10-ideas-for-a-great-first-small-group/#.UdLVq6zhfTp

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Glorious Ruin; How Suffering Sets You Free by Tullian Tchividjian – http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Glorious-Ruin:-How-Suffering-Sets-You-Free?emid=PD-Product-BSI-GloriousRuin-20130625

FOR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Salvation Conversations with Kids by Klista Storts (on Ministry Grid) - http://www.ministrygrid.com/klista-storts-salvation-conversations-with-kids/#.UdLXiazhfTo

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  The Main Event men’s conference, July 26-27, Nashville, TN featuring 18 speakers including Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson, Coach Bobby Bowden, Dr. Tony Evans: http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/The-Main-Event?type=events

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: The Real Win by Colt McCoy & Matt Carter ,  a study on the steps toward biblical manhood - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/the-real-win-leader-kit-P005558785

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Manhood Restored by Eric Mason,  a study on the importance of men leading in spiritual renewal - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Manhood-Restored:-How-the-Gospel-Makes-Men-Whole

FOR SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY: Video helps for small group leaders from the study writers: Chip Henderson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYORxc1plCI and Ron Edmondson:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNjTYnmotH0 
You can purchase for entire quarter or in separate 6 session studies :
"Pressure Points" ($19.95 w/Video): http://www.lifeway.com/Product/P005600946 or
"When Relationships Collide" ($19.95 w/Video): http://www.lifeway.com/Product/P005601367

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...