Thursday, January 5, 2017

Are Your Bible Study Leaders Teaching or Preaching?

To teach or to preach?  

Well, both are excellent when used at the right times.  Preaching is best when you are trying to convey an important message to a large group in a limited time frame. But teaching is best in small groups where there is the opportunity for free dialogue and discussion.  In this format, time is allowed to peel back the layers of truth being presented in an effort to synthesize the knowledge into life change. Unfortunately, a Bible study leader can inadvertently slip from the teaching format into preaching (or 'meddling' as some would say) and damage the learning experience. Here are four things that often turn us from well-intended teachers to preachers.

1.       Airing pet peeves, making political statements or pursuing tangents that we are emotionally attached to or defensive about.  It is all too tempting to jump on a soapbox and expound on our favorite topics.  This can often close off discussion immediately and leave some overwhelmed and defensive.  As much as you, as the class leader, think your view is correct and the proper stance for any 'Bible believing Christian', there will be others in your group that may hold to a different viewpoint. This is especially true when you are being successful in reaching unchurched and unregenerate people and having them in your Bible study. Those that do will not feel comfortable in your use of your 'bully pulpit' will leave your group and, most likely, your church.    Honestly identify your “pet” issues to yourself and commit yourself to leaving them at home.  And this is a good standard for all in your group to agree to before each session.

2.       Dominating the time with lengthy lectures, no matter how good the material and presentation, restricts discussion and healthy interaction among the class members.  As the Bible study leader, you are not the exclusive container of biblical truth and your role is not to impress your class in the wealth of that knowledge as you generously dispense it upon your ignorant class members.  Learning is enhanced by involvement and the “give-and-take” of ideas.  As the leader of the group, you are to keep the conversation 'on the tracks' and encourage your group members to share their insights.  A good exercise is to have someone time the amount of time you talk in a classroom session.  If you speak more than half the time you are teetering on the brink of not teaching and into the realm of preaching. 

3.       Feeling threatened by the group or individuals in the group.  Often times, there will be more learned, more experienced, and more verbally adept people in the group besides the Bible study leader.  This can be intimidating to them and they use a steady barrage of words as a suit of armor to keep others from attacking their presentation.  But it’s a costly way to maintain group control because it deadens group interaction and discussion.  Be candid and admit feelings of inadequacy or lack of confidence you may have.  It's OK to respond with a "I don't know that answer" or "Does anyone want to share their ideas on this?" Disarm yourself and the group with openness.

4.       Lack of preparation.  A leader can be tempted to talk on and on to cover up uncertainty about the material.  If you dominate the group time with a monologue, not allowing any interaction, you are only fooling yourself if you think the group members are impressed with your verbosity. Know your material so well that you can comfortably allow the group members to teach each other while you only guide the discussion.  Ask leading questions that can gently direct people into discovering the answers that you already know but they become the 'discoverers' of it.

Final Point: If you catch yourself preaching, when you should be teaching, stop it – even if you are in mid-sentence.  Confess to your group what you’re doing (e.g. “I’m sorry; I think I just started preaching.” or "I've done enough talking. How about someone else share their thoughts.").  Then turn it back to a discussion.


FOR PASTORS: Pastor’s Date Night - What is a Pastor Date Night? Read about it and register for one. There's one in January in Jonesboro, GA.

FOR PASTORS: 7 Seismic Shifts in the Church All Leaders Need to Know Webcast by Dr. Thom Rainer -

FOR EDUCATION STAFF: 2017 GBACE, January 19, 2016 at Mabel White Baptist Church, Macon, GA with Dr. Eric Geiger, vice president at LifeWay -

FOR EVANGELISM TRAINING: I Am Going by Dr. Danny Akin - Bulk price is $5.00

FOR CHURCH & COMMUNITY: DevoHub, providing daily devotional material directly to your smart phone or tablet -

FOR LEADER TRAINING: On Track National Sunday School Conference, Hendersonville, TN, March 17 & 18, 2017 -

FOR LEADER TRAINING: Sunday School Matters by Alan Taylor, 12 sessions to build, expand and maintain a healthy Sunday School ministry -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Become a Bible Study Insider -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: – tailor-make your Bible studies or discipleship groups topics -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation by Russell Moore -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Disciples Path: The Journey, Volumes 1 & 2 are now available! Relational, Intentional, Progressive, Comprehensive:

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: "Knowing Jesus" A New 6-Session Bible Study By Robby Gallaty. Samples here:

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: 5 Studies to begin in 2017 -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Battle Ready, Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference, February 3 & 4, 2017 -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Unfolded by Dr. Eric Geiger -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: 3 Challenges in Leading a Men's Ministry.

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Student Ministry that Matters by Ben Trueblood -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: The LIFT Tour for developing student leaders -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Youth Pastor Summit registration is now open -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Disciples Path for students – a new series for developing your student’s discipleship -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Summit, Jekyll Island, GA, February 2 & 3, 2017 -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry 101 magazine, sign up for this free resource -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Summer Options for your kids ministry -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry that Nourishes by Jana Magruder -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...