Friday, July 6, 2012

When Do You Drop Someone From the Roll?

Many churches are approaching the dawn of their new Bible Study year. They are forming new classes, rearranging others, and the inevitable questions always comes up, “What should we do about those people that never come anymore, should we drop them?”
 Here are some excellent steps that David ‘Mr. Sunday School’ Francis recently provided about ‘When Do We Drop Someone From the Roll?”
 1. Change the name from "Roll" to "Ministry List." That is subtle, but the idea is that it changes the primary responsibility. "Roll" connotes that the people, once enrolled, are committing themselves to attendance. "Ministry List" connotes that we, the leaders, are committing ourselves to the members, once they've agreed to enroll.
 2. Now, what does it take to get on the Ministry List? Just saying yes! Here's my stock phrase when I'm enrolling someone: "Enrolling in our class - agreeing to become a member of our Ministry List - does not make you a member of the church nor obligate you to become one." The obligation is on us, not them.
 3. Before removing someone from the Ministry List, ask this question: What's the worst thing that could happen to this person? If the answer is: "They might join another church, or maybe not ever go to church again, but we're pretty sure that when they die they'll go to heaven." However, if the answer is, "We don't know if anyone would ever pray for them again, ever contact them again, ever be available to minister to them again, and when they die, we're not at all sure they would go to heaven," then how about leaving them on the Ministry List?
 4. So, when would you drop someone from the Ministry List? (a) When they have moved too far away from the church for us to minister to them. If they were calling this a roll, my answer to this question would be, "If they moved too far away to attend." But, remember, it's a ministry list! (b) If they demand to be removed, and we've been unsuccessful at talking them out of it! Principle: Don't take people off the roll unless they want off - really bad!
 5. What do you say to someone who asks to be taken off the Ministry List? Try to communicate that you care for them and would like to be able to remain in touch with them, whether they attend or not. You'd like to be able to pray for them, and be available to respond to them in the event of a crisis in their family. Most people are only "testing the water" when they ask you to take them off the list. They may just want to know if you really care.
 What's the bottom line of all this? It is remembering that when we ask someone to enroll in Sunday School we are making a commitment to them more than asking them to make a commitment to us. In reality, it's a joint commitment.
 Who on your ministry list needs to be the recipient of your prayer or care this week? 


COMING NEW BIBLE STUDY CURRICULUM: The Gospel Project, for age 3 through adult, to order -
 FOR WORSHIP PLANNING: You can align your worship services with The Gospel Project curriculum by using these worship ideas:
 FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Transformational Discipleship, how people really grow; book and DVD -
 FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Transformational Discipleship assessment tool to chart where you are and suggestion of ‘next steps’ toward growth -
 FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Radical small group study; combines messages from David Platt concerning Radical and Radical Together -
 FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: It’s Not Too Late by Tony Evans, how God uses broken people to accomplish His purposes -
 FOR ‘BOOMERS’ MINISTRY: A new magazine just for boomers, More Living; read through a preview issue -
 FOR LEADER TRAINING: Missionary Sunday School webcast, July 2, 4:00pm, FREE -
 FOR LEADER TRAINING: Transform: Changing Lives Through Teaching Conference, September 22, Hebron Baptist Church, Dacula -
 FOR LEADER TRAINING: Teach the Bible for Life Conference, September 28 & 29, Nashville, TN -
 FOR EDUCATION MINISTERS: Excel 2012 Conference, September 24-26, Nashville, TN -
 FOR MEN: Sleeping Giant by Kenny Luck, an intentional discipleship process for me, moving them from ‘affiliated’ to ‘activated’ -
 FOR MEN: All Pro Dad simulcast, August 25th; a unique event for dads with elementary aged kids -
 FOR MEN: Kingdom Man by Tony Evans; helping to empower men to exercise their leadership responsibilities at home, at church, and in the world –

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...