Thursday, October 6, 2016


Sunday School is a great forum to share and apply principles from the Bible to daily life.  A simple setup in your Sunday School room can help ensure these important messages penetrate the ears and minds of class members.

LIGHTING: When it comes to conducting a successful Sunday School class, don't take your room for granted. The atmosphere you teach in can have an impact on your lesson and your students. Begin with a brightly-lit room. Dim spaces lessen the alertness of your class members. Reading and using the Bible interactively is also more difficult in a dark room.

CHAIR ARRANGEMENT: If possible, arrange your seating in a circle or semi-circle. An open seating arrangement encourages interactivity. Everyone in a circle is a participant. A lecture format, where all students sit in rows facing the teacher, indicates subconsciously that class members are there to only listen. In the same vein, if you use tables in a room they inhibit a conversational style of learning. A circle seating arrangement also helps both teachers and class members to make eye contact with one another.

REFRESHMENTS: Many Sunday School classes offer refreshments. For adult classes, the availability of coffee is obligatory as a morning wake-up aid. However, avoid making refreshments a time-consuming activity every Sunday. Of the 168 hours class members have each week, you are allowed just one to teach the Bible. Make that hour count--dive into the scriptures and give yourself plenty of time to share the lesson, encourage participation and answer questions. Prayer time and in-depth study are essential to a successful, healthy Sunday School. Fellowship can happen before and after, and serious food is best reserved for social occasions apart from Sunday morning.

WRITING MATERIALS: Class members will forget 75% of what they hear in your class within 72 hours if they do not write it down. Encourage them to use their personal study guides to write notes and questions about the study. Also make sure you have writing instruments available. You may also want to have a few extra Bibles and study guides handy for guests or members who may not have brought their own. Dispose of any old literature or handouts that can quickly clutter the room.  Most Sunday School classes have a blackboard, whiteboard, smartboard, and/or TV monitor. Writing down outlines, key thoughts, scripture and responses from class members is a proven aid in remembering information. If you have one of them, use it. And make sure you have a good supply of chalk, dry erase markers, and erasers.

WALLS: Above all, let your Sunday School room be a friendly, inviting place. What are your walls communicating? Do you have pictures of your class social events? Are there teaching posters or visual aids filling the walls?  Remember that posters have a life span too.  Any poster left up over two weeks has served out its usefulness and begins to imply to the class member that things in the classroom aren’t kept current.

FLOORING: You may not have any choice in type of flooring but you can give input on when it needs attention.  If you have a type of tiling for your floor, make sure that it is in good repair.  You may want to add an area rug to help ‘warm up’ the room and help with acoustics.  If you have carpeting, make sure that it is vacuumed and cleaned regularly.  It is not beyond the realm of possibility that you may have a learning activity that involves being on the floor.

As you prepare yourself for teaching with ample study, also prepare your classroom so you are ready in all respects to make the most of your weekly Bible study hour.


FOR EDUCATION STAFF: 2017 GBACE, January 19, 2016 at Mabel White Baptist Church, Macon, GA with Dr. Eric Geiger, vice president at LifeWay -

FOR STAFF: 3 Truths about Interruptions in Ministry by Randal Williams -

FOR CHURCH & COMMUNITY – DevoHub, providing daily devotional material directly to your smart phone or tablet -

FOR LEADER TRAINING: On Track National Sunday School Conference, Hendersonville, TN, March 17 & 18, 2017 -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Become a Bible Study Insider -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: – tailor-make your Bible studies or discipleship groups topics -

FOR SMALL GROUPS: Small Groups side by side with Sunday School Conference, November 1, 2, & 3 -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Disciples Path OR DP: The Journey, two options for developing disciples -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Counter Culture by David Platt, responding to the social issues of our day -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripken (a great follow up to the “Insanity of God” movie -

FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT:  A Beautiful Design by Matt Chandler, recognizing God’s design in men and women -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Resources for Women’s Ministry -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Mistakes we make in Men's ministry.

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Onward by Russell Moore, confronting today’s culture with Christ -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood –

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: The LIFT Tour for developing student leaders -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Join the Student Pastor Network.  No one should do student ministry alone.

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Disciples Path for students – a new series for developing your student’s discipleship -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Training Videos on sharing the gospel through each of our Kids curriculum resources -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: 6 Ways to Touch the Hearts of The Parents -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids in Worship -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: TeamKid’s “Catching Air”, the newest cycle is this discipleship bestseller -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...