Friday, July 8, 2011

9 Ideas for Reaching the Unchurched

Written by Richard E. Dodge

Human nature is fascinating to observe. Behavior in anonymous places sometimes indicates whether people have a relationship with Jesus, but many people could be described simply as secular.

Secular people need Jesus. They have secular values and mindsets. Anyone who lives by secular values is not following the Holy Spirit’s leadership.

Here are some tips that might help you break through into the lives of secular people.

1. Communicate the basics. Most secular people have no idea what some of our biblical “lingo” means. Ask people whether they understand what you are saying when using biblical terms and concepts.

2. Deal with eternity. Secular people generally live for today. Communicate that everyone will spend eternity somewhere; the only question is where. Help lost people understand that the Christian life also brings excitement and happiness for today as well as a promise for tomorrow.

3. Talk about guilt. People today think more about what feels right to them and base their lifestyles on what seems good for the moment. They reject absolutes. Help them discover that actions have consequences and that our actions—sin—have absolute consequences—hell.

4. Get excited about your church. Talk about the positive things happening in your church. Address how your church helps families grow closer and helps children develop positive images of life and faith.

5. Connect with secular people. Some people just want a friend with whom they can talk freely. Others isolate themselves because they don’t trust strangers. Creating friendships may lead to connecting with the church and Christ.

6. Build trust. Suspicion and uncertainty plague some people because Christians they have known or stories about Christians have left them overly cautious. Let them know that your faith has brought you through difficult times. Keep your word when you make commitments.

7. Help them grow. Help people develop a more positive self-esteem and discover that they are people of worth. Encourage them and help them discover that Jesus Christ gave His life for them.

8. Explain the nature of humanity. God created each of us as people with a free will. People are free to act as they choose. That doesn’t mean God isn’t concerned about or in control of humanity. God has not abandoned humanity.

9. Open the door. Unchurched people often avoid the church because they just aren’t sure how to find their way in. Don’t be confused: It’s not the building; they can’t figure out how to break into the church family. Some classes and congregations act as if newcomers had to have an admission slip before they would be allowed into the “fellowship.” Others simply don’t make an effort to connect with newcomers. Newcomers need someone to connect with them and accept them unconditionally.

Harry Piland, former director of the Sunday School Division of LifeWay Christian Resources, once said that the church should be “the easiest place to get into and the hardest place to get out of.” Reaching secular people should be part of the fabric of today’s church. When we make reaching secular people a mindset and a practice, other unchurched people will discover that in fact, the church really is a great place.


FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING: "Transformational Class: Transformational Church Goes to Sunday School" Live Online Training Event, July 10. Meet as a training event or have your leaders tune in at home -

FOR SENIOR ADULTS: "Life Lessons from Mayberry: It's all there in Black and White" at Ridgecrest Conference Center, NC, September 20-22 -

FOR SENIOR ADULTS: "Fall Celebration at Ridgecrest", October 18-21 -

COURAGEOUS NEWS: Find out where the movie is scheduled to be shown, purchase advance tickets, how to become a Action Squad member -

- Beth Moore's "Living Proof Live", September 10
- David Platt's "Secret Church", November 4

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