Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be A Saturday Night Caller!

As a way of improving your church's ministry to its Sunday School members/prospects and experiencing a greater attendance on Sunday morning, encourage them to call some who are in their Bible Study class on Saturday night. Give them these tips:

· Ask God to help you say the right things. God will grant wisdom to those who ask.
· Be sure the tone of your voice is pleasant. Those we call can easily determine the depth of our concern
not only by what we say but even more by how we say it.
1. Identify yourself immediately
2. Develop the conversation by asking about such things as:
· Family (“How’s _________ doing?”)
· How work is going (Is work treating you OK?”)
· Similar recreational interests (How’s the golf game going?”)
3. Tell them you missed them last Sunday at Bible Study, what a great study it was, and that you were w
ondering if they were coming tomorrow.
· If they say “no”:
· Express your disappointment but not any judgmental feelings.
· Explain the gap their absence causes in the lives of others in the class and your desire to see them
return soon.
· Ask if there is anything the class can pray about for them when the class prays during the Bible study.
· If they say “yes”:
· Express your happiness about their return
· Perhaps offer to sit with them in class and worship and plan to have lunch together.
· Write down any prayer requests that were expressed during your conversation.
· Make arrangements (meeting place, lunch, etc.) on any commitments made.Breathe a prayer of
thanksgiving and blessing on behalf of the person you spoke to.

Tools for An Essential Church Manual: A workbook for church leaders to begin the process that will help you evaluate your church and community and implement the principles of Essential Church in your church.
YOU: LifeWay's newest Sunday School curriculum line is biblically-based with culturally relevant lessons to help your members connect, grow, serve, and ultimately be engaged in impacting the world for God.
2009 Fall Sunday School Training Emphasis: Connect3: The Power of One Sunday School Class (David Francis) $1 Each or FREE Download to Be Available
Conducting Successful SS Leadership Meetings (by our own Tim Smith)
NEXT 2009 Saddleback Small Groups Conference: April 24-25 at Victory World Church, Norcross. Register online at
Student Beta Conferences: This is designed for new Ministers of Youth and follows the same format as the M.E. Beta conferences. Dates are: March 30-31 and April 13-14. Call Sherry Spillman, Student Ministry Specialist for Training and Events, at 615.251.3864, or email her at:

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Thanks for mentioning the YOU curriculum ( We would love for you to give it a try in your Bible study classes. If you have questions about the product, feel free to visit the website or contact the editor at

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