Tuesday, March 31, 2009

10 Ways to Worship Without Music

Ten Ways to Worship Without Music,
Building Worship into Your Daily Life

by Tobin Perry, staff writer at Saddleback Church
This article is a reprint from the website,

As you'll discover as you read through Rick Warren's, The Purpose Driven Life, worship through music is only a small portion of what true, biblical worship is all about. God designed us to worship Him with our whole lives, and there are actually spiritual habits that we can build into our lives that help us worship God more deeply. Here are ten habits than will build worship into your life on a daily basis.
1. Worship through prayer. When we affirm who God is through our prayers, we put our prayer life in proper perspective. That's exactly how Jesus taught us to pray. Prayer starts with God (example: “Our Father, which art in heaven”). Consider including in your prayers a time of focused attention on who God is.
2. Get in a regular habit of reading the Bible. The Bible says that we worship God in "spirit and in truth." How can we ever worship God without a clear understanding of who He is? The truth about God is essential to worship.
3. Obey God. Rick Warren mentions in The Purpose Driven Life that we worship God when we obey Him. We all need to build the habit of obedience into our lives. Whenever you sense God is speaking to you, make it a regular practice to respond immediately.
4. Tithe. If you want to know what in your life you worship, look at your checkbook register. The Bible teaches us this important lesson: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Mathew 6:21 NIV)
5. Build deep relationships with other Christians. The Bible teaches that God designed us to live in community with other Christians. We bring God pleasure by getting to know others and being known by them. The primary way we do this is through small groups like Sunday School classes.

6. Share your faith. John Piper made many of us re-look at why we share our faith when he wrote a few years ago: "Missions exists because worship doesn't." God wants every person on the planet to worship him, not because He is an egomaniac who needs our praise, but because worship is how we are designed by God. He wants the best for us.
7. Serve others. Jesus tells us that "when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did to me!" (Matt. 25:40 NLT) When we serve one another, Jesus tells us we are really serving Him.
8. Build into your life the attitude of thankfulness. When we look through the lens of thankfulness, we see our lives—and everything in it—as all gifts from God. Develop your own spiritual exercise each morning that demonstrates that you are putting on your lens of thankfulness.
9. Begin turning over to God areas of your life that you have never committed to Him. This is the heart of worship — surrender. God won't settle for 90 percent of your life; He wants all of it. You might have been a follower of Jesus for years, but you still have areas of your life that you are holding back from Him. Allow God to expose those areas and help you release to Him.
10. Live a life of purpose. God has a reason for your existence. In fact, He has five: fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism and worship. You please God when you live in step with His purposes. God doesn't want you to waste your life.
You were designed for God's pleasure. The purpose of worship is the foundation of the other four purposes. Fellowship without the spirit of worship is just "hanging out." Discipleship without worship is nothing but a fruitless mental exercise. Ministry without worship is called "spinning your wheels." Evangelism without worship is a misplaced sales pitch.
Worship isn't simply one area of your life; it is your life. Start right this moment by surrendering your life to God. Then spend the rest of your life learning to worship Him more fully.


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