Friday, May 15, 2020

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I would definitely be in the bottom 3 in spiritual maturity.

But I took the assignment with all seriousness and earnestness.... and God blessed the words He gave me.  I was encouraged to share them to an wider audience in hopes that it may bless someone who is going through a dark valley, so hear is what I shared.

Our home of rest and restoration
I believe it’s a well-known fact that most of you know that I lost my 21-year-old son, Jacob, back in 2009. He finally succumbed after a life-long struggle with health caused by a congenital heart defect. A few months after his death, we purchased our creek side home in the mountains of North Carolina. At the time, we lived in Marietta, GA, and our plan was for this cabin to be a weekend getaway for a place of rest and restoration as we continued our journey of grief.

One way we tried to remember and to honor Jacob was by planting two dogwood trees, one that produced pink flowers and the other, white.  We would travel to the cabin from Marietta every other weekend and check on them and enjoy them. Despite the fact that my thumbs are definitely not green, both of the dogwoods survived the first summer and fall.  

But one weekend in late winter we came up to the cabin and, as I was inspecting the place, I was dismayed to see that the beavers from the creek had somehow circumvented the protective chicken wire that I had placed around each of the dogwood trees.

I was devastated by this brazen act of vandalism done by a four legged creature with buck teeth to one of the dogwoods. You see, this tree was to symbolize the life of Jacob and now this furry beast had decimated it.  Then I began to smile as I could hear Jacob’s gravelly voice speaking to me, “Pops, since when did I give a hoot about dogwood trees?”

In the following years, I continued to watch and care for those dogwoods and they began to teach me a spiritual truth. They reminded me of my faith in God and how it had changed shape over the years.

For years, my tree of faith had grown straight and true, producing blossoms and leaves as it grew upward and outward. I owe much of that to my Christian parents who beautifully modeled for me  - love for family, love for the church, and love for God and His world.

Like the root system of the dogwood that grew deep and wide, drawing the needed nutrients and water to keep the tree alive, I received a well-rounded Christian training at church and, later, in seminary.

But then Jacob died ... and the trunk of my tree of faith was severed at the top.  Since that time, the appearance and substance of my faith has been changed dramatically.

Jacob’s death has caused me to analyze how faith works; how prayer works; how God works.  I have come up with lots of questions and very little answers.  My faith has been challenged and altered ... but it persistently clings to life. Rather, God and His grace has persistently clung onto me in the midst of my doubts, anger, and questions.

the damaged dogwood
that refused to quit
Over the years, the dogwood tree that was ravaged by the beaver has struggled to survive and it has compensated with the loss of the main trunk by using a branch of the tree as its new main trunk. It is not as pretty and fully developed as the other dogwood, but it still produces beautiful flowers.

To my LifeWay Church Partner family, as I have gotten to know each of you… you, like me, have endured some challenges in life. I can think of several who have lost loved ones … a wife, a child, or another one dear to your heart. Others have faced significant health issues, either personally or have had to sit by the bed of their stricken spouse and/or child.  Many of us have gone through the gauntlet of an ugly church situation and have been unceremoniously pushed out into the wilderness.

Each of us, in some way, have faced trauma that has attacked our tree of faith.  And here we are today, having to say good-bye to our ministry we loved and to a family we have served alongside faithfully. We have been ravaged and brought low.  

But beneath the surface, our deep root system has stayed intact to God, our life giver. He continues to slowly supply the life-giving sap to our tree of faith that prominently displays the scars of life’s challenges. Our faith is still alive and growing despite the fact that it has been forever altered and changed. I would dare say that because of the challenges we have endured, our faith has deepened and has become more authentic. Our faith tree will never be one of symmetrical beauty again. But we are ‘still in the game’. We will continue to grow and produce fruit as we remain tapped in the main power source. By God’s abundant grace, our ugly looking tree of faith continues to live and grow despite the damage that has been done. In fact, some have said to me that it is the scars that I bear and the way that I bear them has been an invaluable encouragement to them in their darkest moments. (I failed to resist in saying “chicks dig scars”)

And, thankfully, God continues to love and nurture each of us despite our scars and defects. He has no expectations of equal production, just of equal love. And His grace nurtures all our trees equally, whether they are deformed or full.

As I close, one of my favorite passages of scripture is Hebrews 11, known as the hall of faith chapter.   The writer lists people throughout biblical history that have displayed great faith.  People like:

Rahab .... just to name a few

But then the spotlight is thrown on the following …..

... and others had trials of mockings and scourgings, … of bonds and imprisonment:  they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, they were tempted, they were slain with the sword: they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated

Names are not given to these heroes of the faith, but God knows who they are and He made sure that it was known for all eternity that, as it says in verse 38

and the world was not worthy of them! 

To my Church Partner family, our names may not be chiseled in some building, but God knows our faith and the impact we have made to countless others.

Then the writer went on to say in Hebrews 12:1-2  

Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance  Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us,

The Church Partners team has been one another’s best cheerleaders since its inception. We have encouraged one another, mentored one another, and kept each other’s spirits up. We are quite a crowd of witnesses.

In recent days, I am sure many of you, just like me, have received many words of encouragement and thanks for the ministry we have provided to countless churches and ministers. We can take solace in knowing that for many of these we have heard from that we have positively changed the trajectory of their ministries and lives. We have carried out our ministries with excellence, expertise, and compassion.

Today we will finish this race well. Now, each of us prepares for the next leg of our race, wherever it takes us. Our days of seeing each other and serving with each other is officially over.  But even if we never have the opportunity to see each other physically, we will always be able to count on this team, this family to stand and cheer for each other.

 I love you of all.   Thanks for being a colleague and friend.

I hope these words can encourage someone today.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

My Final Blog

My COVID-19 look
Yesterday morning I received word that the ministry position that I was honored and privileged to carry out on behalf of LifeWay throughout Georgia and western North Carolina for the last 12 years was being eliminated (along with the entire Church Partner office of @30 wonderful people) due to the devastation the COVID-19 pandemic has caused in people’s lives.

This pandemic has forced churches to face issues never thought of before and they are struggling to find a footing of how to do ministry in the days, weeks, and years ahead. In the midst of the uncertainty, decisions about how to conduct small group Bible study and what materials that are essential are being asked and often left unanswered. That has left LifeWay in a precarious position as the world’s largest provider of Bible study and discipleship materials. So pray for the church and pray for LifeWay.

As for me, I didn’t expect that a virus would be the responsible party for telling me it’s time to retire, but that’s where I find myself. It’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to have a ‘farewell tour’ to tell all the wonderful and gracious people I’ve met over the last 12 years how much it has meant to me to be your friend and partner in ministry. It’s been a pleasure to establish a friendship and watch it grow. I hope those friendships will continue via Facebook, phone, and/or email. So for now on into the future, I will enjoy my home in Franklin looking at God’s handiwork of mountains and listen to my creek babble on and on.

So feel free to stop by if you’re ever on your way to Ridgecrest, oh, wait ….

OK, stop by if you’re on your way to the Cherokee casino, oh, wait ….

Well, just feel free to stop by whenever you’re coming through Franklin. I’ll let you take this retired old man to the Dillard House so I can brag about my grandchildren!

Farewell and God bless!

Monday, April 6, 2020

A Short, Incomplete Compendium of Helps for Church Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This is just a quick, short compendium of resources that are available to you during this pandemic.  

Feel free to add your own helpful resources in the comment section.


Free Training Helps for Church Leader Concerning the COVID-19 -

Free permission for audio worship tracks from LifeWay Worship -

Free Digital Giving Platform -


Digital Curriculum (free until June)
·         The Gospel Project -
·         Explore the Bible -
·         Bible Studies for Life -
·         YOU -
(MasterWork cannot be set up as a free item at this time due to copyright infringement laws.)

Free Online Women’s Studies -

Free Two Months of Online Marriage Coaching -


·         The Gospel Project -
·         Explore the Bible -
·         Bible Studies for Life -

Weekly video chat with Ben Trueblood every Monday at 1:00pm EDT -


Digital Curriculum (free until June)
·         The Gospel Project -
·         Explore the Bible -
·         Bible Studies for Life -

Free sample of The Gospel Project: Home Edition -

Plethora of videos, studies, etc. for kids and families -


LifeWay App (search in any tablet or smartphone app store) provides Bible studies and fun activities from each of our ongoing kids curriculum lines. Plus there are parental helps to equip them further in their role as disciplemakers to their kids.

Dadlab is a website (not LifeWay or church related) that has a host of fun activities to do with kids (click on website tab) – https://linktr/ee/thedadlab

Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Cost of Commitment

Some teenage girls who loved the Lord formed a “do without” club in order to raise money for missions.  They determined to add to their fund by sacrificial giving.  The majority, who were from well-to-do homes easily found ways to contribute.  But for one poor girl named Margie it was extremely difficult. 

One day she knelt by her bed and asked the Lord to show her something she could do without.  As she prayed, her pet dog licked her hands.  Suddenly she remembered that the family doctor had offered to buy him.  The tears came as she exclaimed, “O Brightie, I can’t think of parting with you!”  Then she thought of the words, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.’  “I’ll do it!” she said. Going to the doctor’s home, she sold the dog for $50. 

Even though she missed her pet, she was still happy because she had been able to put all of the money into the mission fund.  The doctor was pleased with the dog, but he wondered if a pressing need had caused the girl to part with him, so he stopped by her house.  When he heard her story, he went home deep in thought.  In his life of abundance, he had never denied himself anything. 

The next morning Margie heard the dog scratching at the door.  This note from the doctor was fastened to her collar: “Your practical Christianity has done more for me than any sermon I’ve ever heard.  Last night I offered what’s left of my life to God.  I’d like to join your club and begin doing without Brightie.”

Jesus told the rich young man to “sell everything you have and give to the poor.”   We will never know how our obedience to this command in reference to our finances, time, and talents will touch countless lives.


FOR CHURCH LEADERS: Find all you need for Hispanic ministry on this website.

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Want to get 5% off every ongoing curriculum order? Use the recurring ordering plan!

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Breathing Life into Sunday School by Ken Braddy -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Find the right Bible study curriculum that is best for you/your church.

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Seven Ways to Repel Visitors -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP:  22:6 Parenting, parenting tips that are available 24/7 - Here's a great tool to provide your church for parenting helps that are available 24/7.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: My New Life, a new resource to help new believers take the right steps in their spiritual growth.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Discipleship Pathway Assessment (DPA) – an online tool to help your congregation see their strengths and weaknesses in their discipleship -

FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: WOO Marriage - Do you want an online video based pre-marital and marriage counseling helps that would alleviate the burden you have in these counseling endeavors? This can help!

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Jude; Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture by Jackie Hill Perry -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Heroic, The Surprising Path to True Manhood by Bill Delvaux -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: The Life of a Jesus Follower by Vance Pitman -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Help My Unbelief by Barnabas Piper -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Youth Ministry Booster -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Discipleship Deficit by John Paul Basham, a guide for strategic discipleship -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: "Letters to My Students" by Dr. Jason Allen. First volume is on preaching.

FOR PRETEEN MINISTRY: Forged - Use this brand new 2 year preteen curriculum to prepare them for what lies ahead for them.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: The Way of the Savior, a 40 Day Preparation for Easter Devotional -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Join the Concrete & Cranes VBS Director's Club. Everything you need to plan for build a skyscraper of a VBS next summer.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Six Ways to Recruit VBS Volunteers -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY:  God’s Plan for You - Use this 6 week study in your Kids ministry to explain the Gospel:

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Training on a Shoestring?

Seeking ways to train your church members, volunteers and paid staff (all who have busy lives and schedules) on any of these subjects?

  • Weekly Bible study helps (free and in all age groups)
  • New Members Orientation
  • New Christians Class
  • New Teacher training
  • Ongoing Teacher enrichment (all age groups)
  • Committee training
  • Mission trip orientation and training
  • Deacon/Elder training
  • Men’s Ministry development
  • Women’s Ministry development
  • Greeter Ministry
  • Parking Lot Ministry
  • Vacation Bible School training
  • Pre-marital counseling
  • Marriage counseling
  • National Conferences (i.e. Exponential, etc)
  • Discipleship development
  • Evangelism Training
  • Music Ministry Training
  • Parenting development
  • Church Security
  • Staff development
  • Staff performance reviews
  • Kids Ministry Security

There are over 3500 videos covering over 850 subjects that help train your leaders for better ministry. Or you can develop your own and post them onto Ministry Grid for your leaders.

Use these training videos:

-          In video chatrooms
-          Individual training (great for those that business travel)
-          In 15-minute monthly training opportunity before or after events
-          To augment your strategic group leader training times

Use the Free Trial offer or sign up today

BUT WAIT, I can beat that listed price! 
Contact me on how to save almost $200 a year off the listed price


FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Want to get 5% off every ongoing curriculum order? Use the recurring ordering plan!

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Breathing Life into Sunday School by Ken Braddy -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Find the right Bible study curriculum that is best for you/your church.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Difference Makers by Gregg Matte -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Something Needs to Change by David Platt -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Prodigal Son by Matt Carter -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Discipleship Pathway Assessment (DPA) – an online tool to help your congregation see their strengths and weaknesses in their discipleship -

FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: WOO Marriage - Do you want an online video based pre-marital and marriage counseling helps that would alleviate the burden you have in these counseling endeavors? This can help!

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Trustworthy: Overcoming Our Greatest Struggles to Trust God by Lysa Terkeurst -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Disciple Her by Kandi Gallaty -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Heroic, The Surprising Path to True Manhood by Bill Delvaux -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: DiscipleNow resources (from sermons to tee shirt designs) -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Discipleship Deficit by John Paul Basham, a guide for strategic discipleship -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: "Letters to My Students" by Dr. Jason Allen. First volume is on preaching.

FOR PRETEEN MINISTRY: Forged - Use this brand new 2 year preteen curriculum to prepare them for what lies ahead for them.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Join the Concrete & Cranes VBS Director's Club. Everything you need to plan for build a skyscraper of a VBS next summer.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Curriculum Comparison Chart -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY:  God’s Plan for You - Use this 6 week study in your Kids ministry to explain the Gospel:

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...