Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Cost of Commitment

Some teenage girls who loved the Lord formed a “do without” club in order to raise money for missions.  They determined to add to their fund by sacrificial giving.  The majority, who were from well-to-do homes easily found ways to contribute.  But for one poor girl named Margie it was extremely difficult. 

One day she knelt by her bed and asked the Lord to show her something she could do without.  As she prayed, her pet dog licked her hands.  Suddenly she remembered that the family doctor had offered to buy him.  The tears came as she exclaimed, “O Brightie, I can’t think of parting with you!”  Then she thought of the words, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.’  “I’ll do it!” she said. Going to the doctor’s home, she sold the dog for $50. 

Even though she missed her pet, she was still happy because she had been able to put all of the money into the mission fund.  The doctor was pleased with the dog, but he wondered if a pressing need had caused the girl to part with him, so he stopped by her house.  When he heard her story, he went home deep in thought.  In his life of abundance, he had never denied himself anything. 

The next morning Margie heard the dog scratching at the door.  This note from the doctor was fastened to her collar: “Your practical Christianity has done more for me than any sermon I’ve ever heard.  Last night I offered what’s left of my life to God.  I’d like to join your club and begin doing without Brightie.”

Jesus told the rich young man to “sell everything you have and give to the poor.”   We will never know how our obedience to this command in reference to our finances, time, and talents will touch countless lives.


FOR CHURCH LEADERS: Find all you need for Hispanic ministry on this website.

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Want to get 5% off every ongoing curriculum order? Use the recurring ordering plan!

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Breathing Life into Sunday School by Ken Braddy -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Find the right Bible study curriculum that is best for you/your church.

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Seven Ways to Repel Visitors -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP:  22:6 Parenting, parenting tips that are available 24/7 - Here's a great tool to provide your church for parenting helps that are available 24/7.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: My New Life, a new resource to help new believers take the right steps in their spiritual growth.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Discipleship Pathway Assessment (DPA) – an online tool to help your congregation see their strengths and weaknesses in their discipleship -

FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: WOO Marriage - Do you want an online video based pre-marital and marriage counseling helps that would alleviate the burden you have in these counseling endeavors? This can help!

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Jude; Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture by Jackie Hill Perry -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Heroic, The Surprising Path to True Manhood by Bill Delvaux -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: The Life of a Jesus Follower by Vance Pitman -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Help My Unbelief by Barnabas Piper -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Youth Ministry Booster -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Discipleship Deficit by John Paul Basham, a guide for strategic discipleship -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: "Letters to My Students" by Dr. Jason Allen. First volume is on preaching.

FOR PRETEEN MINISTRY: Forged - Use this brand new 2 year preteen curriculum to prepare them for what lies ahead for them.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: The Way of the Savior, a 40 Day Preparation for Easter Devotional -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Join the Concrete & Cranes VBS Director's Club. Everything you need to plan for build a skyscraper of a VBS next summer.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Six Ways to Recruit VBS Volunteers -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY:  God’s Plan for You - Use this 6 week study in your Kids ministry to explain the Gospel:

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