As I was digging the 105 holes with my tulip planter tool
(which is a great thing to use) I started thinking about the whole gardening
thing and the parallels it has on life. This thought process took my mind off
my aching back and knees and set me on a higher plane.
Are you planting pansies or tulips?
There is an immediate reward with planting pansies. You go to your favorite nursery and pick out
a pallet or two of your favorite colored pansies which are already in
bloom. You take them home and plant them
and you can continue to enjoy their color for the rest of the fall and
throughout the winter.
However, in planting tulips you buy a bag or two of ugly
looking bulbs and trust the pictures on the bag to be telling you the truth as
to what you’re buying. You take them
home and repeatedly (105 times in my case) lean over on your hands and knees
digging a six inch hole in the hard ground, removing stones as you dig. You then add some fertilizer and insert the
bulb. Move other six inches and
repeat. Six inches and repeat until the
bag is empty. Water them down and wait …
for several long and anxious months … to see if the fruits of your hard labor are worth it.
So are you a person that invests yourself and your efforts in
only immediate gratification in terms of a reward? If something you’ve spent time and money on
doesn’t immediately bloom for you, do you count it as a failure and waste of
time and resources? And then do you quickly move on to another ‘flash in the
pan’ effort?
Or do you have the foresight to envision the end result,
plan for it, prepare for it, invest hard
work and costly capital in it, and then do you have the patience to wait … and
wait … and wait until the time is right (of which you have no control).
Now let me put this in terms of ministry.
Do you invest your efforts, time and money on things and
events that are expected to bring immediate returns or responses? Do you plan things and invest in spectaculars
that you have to repeat year after year in order to have the same result?
Or are you willing to put in hard work investing in planning
and preparing and cultivating only to spend months in hopes of a bountiful reward
at a later time?
In ministry, it is not a matter of either/or - it’s
There will be times when God will use us to reap immediate
benefits and harvests. When we respond
to an evident need, there will be times when lives are eternally changed before
our eyes.
But there will be other times when we must spend hours in
back breaking, monotonous preparation in hopes that the investment of our
efforts and finances will produce a harvest.
Sometimes we will know the timetable that it takes to get to harvest time. Other times, we will not be able to see the
harvest and can only exercise our faith in God’s timing.
So are you planting pansies or tulips … or both?
FOR PASTORS: Ten Annoying Things that Pastors Must Stop Doing by
Mark Dance - http://buff.ly/2eiiXMg
FOR PASTORS: Ten More Annoying Things
that Pastors Must Stop Doing by Mark Dance - http://www.lifeway.com/pastors/2016/10/26/ten-more-annoying-things-pastors-need-to-stop-doing/
FOR PASTORS: Pastor’s Date Night - What is a Pastor Date Night? Read about it and
register for one. There's one in January in Jonesboro, GA. http://buff.ly/2djSACe
19, 2016 at Mabel White Baptist Church, Macon, GA with Dr. Eric Geiger, vice
president at LifeWay - http://gabaptistgroups.org/training-conferences/2017-gbace-conference/?utm_content=buffer736fd&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
CHURCH & COMMUNITY – DevoHub, providing daily devotional material directly to your smart phone or
tablet - http://devohub.com/
FOR LEADER TRAINING: On Track National Sunday School Conference,
Hendersonville, TN, March 17 & 18, 2017 - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/OnTrack?type=events
FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Become a Bible Study Insider -
FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: smallgroup.com – tailor-make
your Bible studies or discipleship groups topics - http://home.smallgroup.com/about
FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Disciples Path OR DP: The Journey, two
options for developing disciples - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Disciples-Path
"Launch" Church for the New "Disciples Path: The Journey"
Intentional Discipleship Study: http://buff.ly/2e5W53s
DISCIPLESHIP: The Insanity of God movie simulcast on November 9 & 13 - http://www.insanityofgodmovie.com/
The Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripken (a great follow up to the “Insanity of God” movie - http://www.lifeway.com/n/product-family/insanity-of-obedience
Rings of Marriage - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/7-rings-of-marriage-leader-kit-P005644102
FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Onward by Russell Moore,
confronting today’s culture with Christ - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Onward?intcmp=Men-MTX-Slider-Onward-20160314
FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Stepping Up: A Call to
Courageous Manhood – http://www.lifeway.com/Product/stepping-up-a-call-to-courageous-manhood-leader-kit-P005764897
developing student leaders - http://www.slulead.com/lift-tour
FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Join the Student Pastor Network. No one should do
student ministry alone. http://buff.ly/2bzBQfJ
FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Disciples Path for students – a
new series for developing your student’s discipleship - http://www.lifeway.com/Disciples-Path/Youth/c/N-1z0znzeZ1z141ym?intcmp=DisciplesPath-MTX-Text-Students-20150625
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Summit, Jekyll
Island, GA, February 2 & 3, 2017 - http://gabaptist.org/event/kids-ministry-summit/?instance_id=4203
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Training Videos on sharing the gospel through
each of our Kids curriculum resources - http://www.lifeway.com/Kids/Video/c/N-1z10cb8Z1z10do1Z1z141rs?cid=RDR-kidsgospelpresentation
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Five things Kids Ministers need to know about parents.
MINISTRY: TeamKid’s “Catching Air”, the newest cycle is this discipleship bestseller - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/TeamKID?intcmp=teamkid-erdr-314