Thursday, October 4, 2012

Five Simple Ways to Grow in Your Leadership

by Brad Lomenick (from his blog)

1. Read- Leaders are readers,pure and simple. I recommend business books, Christian living, historical biographies/autobiographies, and magazines. And, of course, I recommend the Bible as your #1 source.
2. Serve- Jump in and help wherever you're needed. Ultimately, just keep leading- more and more and more. The more you lead, the better leader you will be. The more you serve, the better servant you will be. And believe me, if you keep asking to take on leadership in your organization, you will continue to have more responsibility piled on you.
3. Watch- Find those who are great at what they do, and stalk them. I'm kidding of course, but be intentional about watching closely how they lead. And learn from those around you... everyone. You can learn from those who are more experienced, wiser, and have something to offer. Find a few leaders who you want to learn from, and seek them out. Ask them for advice.
4. Pray - The prayers of a righteous man accomplishes much. Pray for wisdom, pray for favor, pray that your influence will be expanded. And pray for humility.
5. Connect- Hang around other leaders. Go where other leaders are. Go to conferences such as Catalyst, Leadership Summit, Leadercast, Hillsong Conference, etc. Attend local gatherings, small roundtable discussions, state and denominational conferences, lunches, receptions... whatever. Osmosis really does work when it comes to growing as a leader. And getting outside of your “norm” is essential to growth- many times just hearing how another leader is handling a situation will bring great clarity and perspective.


FOR STAFF LEADERSHIP:  “Creature of the Word: becoming a Jesus-Centered Church” simulcast, October 23rd 9:00am-noon -
FOR EVANGELISM TRAINING: Why Do You Believe That? by Mary Jo Sharp; a former atheist shares how to convey your beliefs to others that believe differently, 7 sessions -
FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: A Biblical Marriage in a Broken World by Danny Akin; 6 session study suitable for marriage retreats, workshops, or small groups -
FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Transformational Discipleship assessment tool to chart where you are in your spiritual walk and suggestions of ‘next steps’ toward growth -
 FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Unconditional: The Bible study based on the current movie, 4 sessions -
FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Faith Limps by Michael Kelley, trusting God in a broken world –
FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: Mentor: How ‘along the way’ discipleship will change your life -
FOR CUSTOMIZED CURRICULUM: Discipleship in Context can provide a short term or ongoing Bible studies that are customized to your church’s culture and focus -
FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: 33 the series; The Man and His Design, based on Men’s Fraternity with new material added for men pursuing authenticity -
FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Missing Pieces by Jennifer Rothschild, for those asking the hard questions of life -

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