Friday, May 10, 2019


 by Barry McGee

If your group is experiencing staleness and a lack of vitality, take a look at your focus.  While engaging Bible study is a prerequisite to true Christian community, an exclusively inward focus can stunt the growth of most any group.  The inward journey was made to turn outward.  Such a turn usually begins with the leaders.  What can a small-group leader do to encourage an outward focus?

  • Get Burdened.  My fire is stoked by reading of others who burned brightly for Christ.  Two of my favorites are David Brainerd and George Whitefield.  Biographies, journals, and diaries of godly men and women are excellent vision-builders.
  • Develop Redemptive Friendships.  Help your neighbor build his fence.  Become a reader at a local convalescent hospital.  Challenge the junior high kid across the street to a game of HORSE.
  • Model Involvement.  When you do any of the above, take a group member with you.  Don’t treat it like class time.  Just let him see how easy it is to “hang out” with others for Christ’s sake.
  • Regularly Highlight Outreach As A Group Fundamental.  Ask for outreach testimonies as often as you ask for prayer requests.  Emphasize a specific opportunity at each meeting.  By giving outreach more than periodic airtime, a leader can counteract the false believe that outreach is optional.
  • Facilitate A Group Activity.  Get a list of newcomers who have visited your church and invite a family or individual to one of your small-group meetings.  Or fill a number of grocery bags for a family in need.  Adopt a pregnant teen through your local pregnancy center.  Repair the roof of a widow’s home.  Sponsor, coach, and cheer on a local Little League team.  Work a booth at a community festival.  Join a community softball team.  Just do it together.
  • Celebrate Your Group Achievements.  Periodically throw a party to praise God and reward group members for jobs well done.  Remember, Jesus celebrated with the disciples upon the return of the seventy (Luke 10:17-24).
  As the cliche goes, "keep the main thing, the main thing".


FOR CHURCH LEADERS: Generosity by LifeWay podcasts: releasing the power of giving -

FOR BIBLE STUDY: Bible Studies for Life: 8 guideposts for discipleship development -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP:  Register for a free webinar on the 8 signposts of discipleship and how to use it to develop a strategy for discipleship!

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Discipleship Pathway Assessment (DPA) – an online tool to help your congregation see their strengths and weaknesses in their discipleship -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Gospel Foundations -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Homegrown: A Parenting Guide -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Ministry to Women Handbook -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY:  20/20 Seen. Chosen. Sent. By Christine Caine -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Sign up for the LifeWay Men’s Newsletter -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Christ Centered Parenting by Russell Moore & Phillip Bethancourt, addressing cultural hot potatoes with your kids -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Here are 3 Creative Ways to Engage Men In Congregational Life.

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY:  Student Pastor Network -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Milestones - Use this 6 volume set to establish your youth in 10 key spiritual principles (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Creation, People, Salvation, Church, Family, Community & World). Pre-order for its June release.

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Show Her the Way by Mary Margaret West -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY:  Levels of Biblical Learning expanded to 12th grade -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: KidMin Toolbox (for those times when you looking for that something extra to do) -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Settle for Nothing Less Parenting Workshop -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Curriculum Comparison Chart -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: What does it Mean to be a Christian - Here's a brand new resource to help children understand what it means to be a Christian.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kid Event Pro – An online Kids Ministry Event Planning system -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...