Sunday, December 2, 2018

Six Words to Live By

By Gordon MacDonald

I am romanced by the simple phrase by which Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916) chose to define his life:
Present to God; present to people
 In the morass of mission statements and pithy slogans designed to identify the passions of organizations, churches, and individuals, I think I like this one best. In recent weeks I've tried to awaken to it each morning.
Being present reminds me of the experience my wife, Gail, and I once had while on a walk in a Swiss alpine valley. We had come upon a farmer and his dog who were rounding up a large herd of brown cows (the ones with the huge bells around their necks). The farmer would point to a spot out on the edge of the herd. The dog would race in that direction, then suddenly stop to look back to get a second command. The farmer would sweep his hand to the right or left, and the dog, now furiously barking, would drive the cows wherever the farmer was willing them to go.
Then the dog would tear back to the farmer's side, sit, breathing hard, and look up waiting—almost impatiently—for the farmer's next order. For some reason, that picture of a dog that is so present to his master—ready to respond—shows me what it must mean to fit de Foucauld's definition of life - Present to God.
Present to people? Harder or easier? I find it easy to be present to attractive people, advantaged people, visionary people, intelligent people, likable people. I love being present to people who like me and find me witty and charming. My grandchildren fit this category.
But present to people who are weak, poor, sick, grumpy, unreliable, unthankful, disrespectful? That's another story. My instinct is, all too often, to be absent to them. And it's here that my character and call get challenged every day. Sometimes I win; often I lose in this being present business. Because being present to people means that I must listen extra carefully, listen, and then respond. And that can be inconvenient and too taxing.
So I like de Foucauld's phrase that reduces complex issues and busy schedules to six simple words 
Present to God; present to people

During this season of Christmas craziness try to remember these six words.


GBACE Conference with Dr. Chuck Lawless, January 24, 2019 at Salem Baptist/McDonough -

Resources to help develop your church’s stewardship generosity -

FOR CHURCH LEADERS:  FREE shipping on all books, Bibles, and church supplies (over $50) from your friendly LifeWay store? Check it out!

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Adult Group Box for starting new groups -

FOR CHURCH LEADERS:  Reconnect - Use this simple but effective way to reconnect with those members who have dropped out or are not connected to a Bible study group.

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Balanced Discipleship Plan: A Catalog of Studies to Develop Disciples -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Gospel Foundations -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Psalm 23 by Jennifer Rothschild -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Ministry to Women Handbook -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY:  What Matters Most by Karen Ehman -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Sign up for the LifeWay Men’s Newsletter -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference, January 25 & 26, 2019,Begin making  your plans to host a simulcast at your church or in your home. -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Unstuck by James McDonald -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Kingdom Disciples by Tony Evans -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Gospel Foundations for Students -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Resources for True Love Waits -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Student Life Summer Camps - Try one of the family of Student Life Camps (Rec camp/Mission camp/Beach camp/Smokies Mtn.) for your students next summer.

FOR FAMILY MINISTRY: Reaching the Next Generation -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: 2019 VBS Jumpstarts,  go to one of the 9 meetings around the state, January 17-24, 2019 -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: 2019 Kids Ministry Summit at Jekyll Island, February 7, 8, 2019 -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: 2019 CentriKid Camps -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: What does it Mean to be a Christian - Here's a brand new resource to help children understand what it means to be a Christian.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kid Event Pro – An online Kids Ministry Event Planning system -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...