Tuesday, September 4, 2018


In conducting research that resulted in his classic book, High Expectations, Dr. Thom Rainer interviewed more than 4,000 churches and more than 1,000 individuals on what it took to reach people and how to keep them coming.  A highlight of the study was interviews with 350 people who have joined a church within one year who were previously unchurched.  They gave keen insight on what it took to reach them and what it takes to keep them coming.  Here are the results:

1.      Habit of Intentionality:  Simply put, growing churches plan to grow.  They have an intentional plan of sharing the gospel.  This habit extends to even the seemingly inconsequential.  Research showed that people picked a church because of neat restrooms and clean preschool areas.  Some people drove away from a church because it did not have adequate signage indicating where to park (for seniors, handicapped, parents with babies, etc.) and where the worship center was.

2.      Habit of Cultural Awareness:  Reaching churches understood the culture of the people they were trying to reach, particularly the “Baby Boomers” (born 1946 – 64), the “Busters” (born 1965-77), and the “Bridgers” (born 1977 – 94).  Studies show that 65% of the generation before the “Boomers” are Christians whereas only 4% of the “Bridgers” claim Christ as their Savior.  Reaching churches plan ministries that will reach this unchurched generation.

3.      Habit of High Expectations:  Rainer says that there is a direct correlation between how much is demanded of a new member and how long the new member stays active in the church. “Churches that expect much receive much,” he said.  “Churches that expect little receive little.”  Required new member classes are common in growing churches.

4.      Habit of Clear Doctrine: Rainer said the formerly unchurched told the researchers, “We want to hear about the doctrine on the front end.  We’re not going to make a commitment to a church where you will tell us about what you believe later.”  This could be in the form of a written document, or through new members classes, Sunday school lessons, or sermons.

5.      Habit of Risk Taking: “We see very few churches across America that truly act on faith,” Rainer said. “The risk-taking attitude of these churches is obvious by their willingness to lose members.  They do not make decisions based upon who might leave as a result of this.  They make decisions more on: Who will we reach?”

6.    Habit of Dynamic Small Groups: Rainer said that prior to his team’s research he had bought into the belief that Sunday School was on the decline.  But among the formerly unchurched, 68% are involved in Sunday School.  What is different between Sunday Schools of effective churches and those of ineffective churches?  “There tends to be an expectation that you are involved in ministry through that Sunday School class in effective churches,” Rainer said, “Unhealthy Sunday Schools are inward focused – they only care about themselves.  Healthy Sunday Schools are constantly looking beyond themselves.”
7.      Habit of Effective Leadership: “As the leadership of the church goes, so the rest of the church tends to go,” Rainer said.  “If the pastor is not doing it (involved in personal evangelism), then it is highly unlikely that you’ll see a congregation reaching the unchurched.

8.      Habit of Effective Preaching: Among effective churches, pastors spent an average of 20 hours a week on sermons-including the task itself.  Among ineffective churches, pastors spent an average of four hours.  “That means that something has to give (in their schedule),” Rainer said.  “What do they become?  They became Acts 6 pastor.  What do Acts 6 pastors do?  They delegate and give away ministry (assignments).”

9.      Habit of prayer: Rainer said that churches that prayed together and prayed often kept their new members.  Often, he said, church member would call up the new members and say, “We are praying specifically for you.”  Prayer ministries were operational and emphasized in 83 percent of the effective churches.


Resources to help develop your church’s stewardship generosity - https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/generosity

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FOR CHURCH LEADERS:  Reconnect - Use this simple but effective way to reconnect with those members who have dropped out or are not connected to a Bible study group. https://buff.ly/2LMD0AD

FOR CHURCH LEADERS: 12 ways to begin a conversation about generous giving - https://buff.ly/2mrsQej

FOR CHURCH LEADERS: First Impressions Conference, September 27, 2018, Eastside Baptist Church, Marietta, GA - http://firstimpressionsconference.com/atlanta/

FOR LEADER TRAINING: Ministry Grid - https://buff.ly/2IoJuER

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Adult Group Box for starting new groups - https://www.lifeway.com/en/bible-studies-for-life/adults/group-box

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Balanced Discipleship Plan: A Catalog of Studies to Develop Disciples - https://www.lifeway.com/en/special-emphasis/balanced-discipleship

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: smallgroup.com - https://www.smallgroup.com/app/index.html#/home

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: James by Matt Chandler – https://buff.ly/2yiJmGs

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY:  LifeWay Women’s Leadership Forum, Hendersonville, TN, November 8-10, 2018 - https://buff.ly/2mUqCoa

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Discerning the Voice of  God by Priscilla Shirer - https://www.lifeway.com/content/lifeway/us/en/product-family/discerning-the-voice-of-god.html

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/mom-set-free-bible-study-book-P005720367

FOR WOMEN’S MINI STRY:  What Matters Most by Karen Ehman - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/what-matters-most-leader-kit-P005802633

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/just-open-the-door-leader-kit-P005799558

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Unfolded by Eric Geiger - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product-family/unfolded

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY:  Making Space by Jeff Vanderstelt -  https://buff.ly/2MCJjrR

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Unstuck by James McDonald - https://buff.ly/2vxsLty

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Kingdom Disciples by Tony Evans - https://buff.ly/2GlN9SW

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/the-armor-of-god-teen-bible-study-book-P005806985

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Unfolded for Teen Guys by Eric Geiger - https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/unfolded-bible-study-for-teen-guys-P005799068

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Seven Arrows: A 52 Week Devotional for Teens by Matt & Sarah Rogers - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/seven-arrows-P005799056

FOR FAMILY MINISTRY: ETCH Conference, Nashville, TN, October 17-19 - https://buff.ly/2EpxcKw

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: What does it Mean to be a Christian - Here's a brand new resource to help children understand what it means to be a Christian. https://buff.ly/2NVCqBN

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: VBS 2019 “Into the Wild” Preview Events - https://www.lifeway.com/en/events/vbs-preview

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: TeamKID for Kids in Discipleship, a year’s curriculum for discipling kids - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/TeamKID?intcmp=LifewayKids-MTX-Image-TeamKid-20151001

FOR KIDS MINISTRY:  Foundations for Kids – a 260 Day Bible Reading Plan for Kids - https://buff.ly/2toFI8j

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...