Tuesday, January 2, 2018

LifeWay Leadership: Making Disciples in the Pews—and in the Pulpit

In the last three months, LifeWay has hosted a Pipeline conference, launched a new version of Ministry Grid, and watched its 5 Leadership Questions podcast surpass a million downloads. Each of these brands is a resource provided by LifeWay Leadership.

Even though LifeWay Leadership has a significant following (it’s approaching 32,000 Twitter followers), some might not be familiar with all that makes up this department.

LifeWay Leadership is a department in the Resources Division that serves church leaders - pastors, church staff, and ministry volunteers. Five years ago, LifeWay Leadership was launched to provide training, resources, and coaching for leadership development.

So what does LifeWay Leadership consist of? The department encompasses four brands:

1.      5 Leadership Questions podcast

This podcast is hosted by Daniel Im, LifeWay’s director of church multiplication for NewChurches.com along, with Todd Adkins, director of LifeWay Leadership, and Eric Geiger, senior vice president of LifeWay. The 5LQ podcast has had more than 1 million downloads since it started two years ago.

Podcasts feature conversations with top leaders in their spheres, like Fresh Life Church pastor Levi Lusko, She Reads Truth writer/editor Amanda Bible Williams, Life.Church founding pastor Craig Groeschel, and songwriter/worship leader Keith Getty.

What sets 5LQ apart from other brands in the LifeWay Leadership suite is that it’s geared toward leaders outside the church—whether in the context of a nonprofit or in the business world. “This particular podcast is loved and accepted by a broader community,” Im says.

2.      Pipeline conference

In 2016, the inaugural Pipeline conference commenced in Nashville, Tennessee. Pipeline began as a way to gather pastors, other church leaders, and volunteers to hear from leadership experts.
A church staff can also add coaching days, which allow ministry teams to have intensive leadership development sessions.

Pipeline conferences in 2018
Pipeline West: Developing Your Leadership Pipeline
Orange County, California, Feb. 22-23

Pipeline 2018: Recruit. Develop. Repeat.
Nashville, Tennessee, Oct. 10-12

3.      NewChurches.com

NewChurches.com is an online hub that provides training and resources on church multiplication for church plants and multisite churches. Online courses, such as Essential Church Planting, Campus Pastoring, and Bivocational Ministry, are available for people to purchase a la carte. The website also offers exclusive coaching and content for subscribers, called Plus Members.

“The really exciting thing is, we offer more free stuff than paid stuff,” says Daniel Im. “While templates, webinars, and other Plus Membership features are accessible only through our paid membership community, only 1 of 5 resources we produce each week is paid; the rest are free.”

One of those free resources is the New Churches Q&A podcast, which has reached more than a half a million downloads.

4.      Ministry Grid

Im is also the product manager for Ministry Grid, a leadership learning management system that runs with the tagline, “training made simple.”

Ministry Grid includes more than 3,000 training videos and provides a tool for pastors and church staff to easily train volunteers and leaders from anywhere at any time.

“Some of our training videos feature experts doing 5- to 10-minute sessions on this topic,” Im says. “It’s a high-tech, high-touch approach to training.”

To learn more about LifeWay Leadership and its offerings, visit LifeWay.com/Leadership.


FOR EDUCATION STAFF: GBACE on January 18, 2018, keynote speaker, Dr. Alvin Reid - http://www.gbace.org/

FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP: On Track Conference, March 9 & 10, 2018, Hendersonville, TN - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/OnTrack?type=events

FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP: Create a bookmark on your device for the online LifeWay Church Resources 2017-18 catalog - http://www.lifeway.com/LifeWay-Christian-Resources/Y/c/N-1z141jlZ1z10gjr

FOR DISCIPLESHIP:  Four Ways to Get Your Pastor Excited about Small Groups by Chris Surratt - http://www.lifeway.com/groupministry/2017/11/15/four-ways-to-help-your-pastor-get-excited-about-group/?ecid=150802334&bid=1273100038

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Balanced Discipleship Plan: A Catalog of Studies to Develop Disciples - http://ministry-group.s3.amazonaws.com/groupministry/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2017/05/74038_At_A_Glance_FINAL.pdf

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: To Have and To Hold: Preparing for a Godly Marriage by Byron & Carla Weathersbee - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/to-have-and-to-hold-leader-guide-P005791140

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Forgotten Jesus by Robbie Gallaty - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Forgotten-Jesus?cmpid=RDR-forgottenjesus

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: She Reads Truth Bible - http://www.lifeway.com/Keyword/she+reads+truth

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Audio CD Devotions for Men on the move - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/devotions-for-men-audio-cds-P005632528

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: The Main Event, Mobile, AL, February 23 & 24, 2018 - http://www.lifeway.com/Event/mens-event-the-main-event-2018-mobile-al

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Jesus on Leadership by Gene Wilkes - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/jesus-on-leadership-P001071519

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: D’Now resources - http://www.lifeway.com/Keyword/D'Now

FOR PRETEEN MINISTRY: FLYTE, a curriculum for preteens and recommended by preteens - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/FLYTE?intcmp=LifewayKids-MTX-Image-FlytePreteen-20151001

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Christ-Centered Parenting by Russell Moore and Phillip Bethancourt - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/christ-centered-parenting-leader-kit-P005790852

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: TeamKID for Kids in Discipleship, a year’s curriculum for discipling kids - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/TeamKID?intcmp=LifewayKids-MTX-Image-TeamKid-20151001

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry 101 Podcasts -  buff.ly/2kPNDFV

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...