Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Here is a list of changes that will grace the resources of Explore the Bible this fall


·         The Young Adult version will be discontinued.
·         Explore the Bible Daily Discipleship Guide will be introduced. This is an all in one resource (leader and learner in same piece). It will encourage daily Bible engagement, support discipleship groups meetings during the week, and simplify training additional leaders to start new groups.
·         Studies of longer Bible books that require more than 3 months of study will be done in consecutive quarters.
·         In the Personal Study Guide, the Bible text will be printed once (with the commentary). This will gain space for additional commentary.
·         The Leader Pack will add pack items in PDF format to the CD-ROM.
·         In the QuickSource, we will change the way the key words are marked
·         No changes to Leader Guide and Leader Commentary.


·         The Central Truth of each study will appear at the beginning and the end of each study.
·         NEW! Family Connection provides simple questions based on each session for parent to discuss with students throughout the week. It also contains a family devotion for those families who want to go deeper with their students.
·         NEW! Middle School Option: A middle school specific version of the leader guide complete with unique Explore Options and discussion questions will be available for a free download to all who purchase a leader guide.
·         Leader pack will contain posters to help make sessions more interactive, videos that provide leaders with hands on training for each session, and PowerPoint templates.
·         Midweek Studies: Free downloadable studies will provide complementary studies in other books of the Bible for students and student leaders who have additional meeting in the middle of the week.
·         NEW! Explore Options: Interactive activities and engaging illustrations that provide leaders with fresh ways to introduce the Central Truth of each session and connect it to the lives of students.
·         NEW! Discipleship Moments: Provides leaders opportunities to share their lives with their student and to connect with them at a deeper level to show that there is more to following Jesus than just studying the Bible.
·         Verse number headings will be added to the commentary to make it easier to use and follow.
·         Context Notes: Notes about theological, cultural, historical, and literary context will be designed to train students and leaders how to study the Bible in context.
·         Now What? Application questions that challenge students to process the implications of each study and apply its central truth to their lives at school, at home, and in their neighborhoods.
·         Personal Challenge: Each session will end with a personal challenge calling students to continue processing what they’ve learned and apply the central truth to the context in which they live.
·         Bible Reading Plan will be contained in each guide that will challenge students to dig into that session’s book of the Bible on their own.

·         Explore the Bible: At Home will connect adults with what kids are studying. It will provide a devotional thought and a family reading plan.
·         New Scope and Sequence will provide a three year plan where all 66 books of the Bible will be studied in a book by book fashion.

·         Redesigned layout for Babies & Toddlers Leader, Preschool Leader, and Preschool Worship.
·         Introducing new Family Card for preschoolers: Larger format card with rounded corners and hole punch.
·         Added Text Connection to leader guide to spotlight other areas of Scripture that tie in with what preschoolers are studying.
·         Bible Skills Spotlight: Bible skills are highlighted for each session.
·         Inclusion of next hour teaching helps in Preschool Leader Guide for ready access by teachers.

·         Redesigned layout for Younger Kids Leader, Older Kids Leader, and Kids Worship.
·         One Family Card to be used for both Younger and Older kids.
·         Added Text Connection to leader guide to spotlight other areas of Scripture that tie in with what preschoolers are studying.
·         Bible Skills Spotlight: Bible skills are highlighted for each session

If you want more information and download a sneak peek of some new studies, click on this link:


FOR PASTORS: 7 Seismic Shifts in the Church All Leaders Need to Know Webcast by Dr. Thom Rainer -

FOR CHURCH & COMMUNITY – DevoHub, providing daily devotional material directly to your smart phone or tablet -

FOR OUTREACH: After Easter by Jeremy Howard & Doug Powell – a great gift to give to Easter guests (I can arrange to get you the book at $5 each in boxes of 20) -

FOR LEADER TRAINING: On Track National Sunday School Conference, Hendersonville, TN, March 17 & 18, 2017 -

FOR LEADER TRAINING: Sunday School Matters by Alan Taylor, 12 sessions to build, expand and maintain a healthy Sunday School ministry -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Disciples Path: The Journey, Volumes 1, 2, & 3 are now available! Relational, Intentional, Progressive, Comprehensive:

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Foundations for Adults, a 260 Day Bible reading plan -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY:  Five ways to help women engage with the Bible. …

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: The Main Event -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: Unfolded by Dr. Eric Geiger -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Disciples Path for students – a new series for developing your student’s discipleship -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Foundations for Students, a 260 Day Bible reading plan -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Summer camp options for students -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: The LIFT Tour for developing student leaders -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Youth Pastor Summit registration is now open -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Student Pastor Network, connect with Student Pastors around the country without leaving your office AND get $200 worth of 'stuff'.

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry 101 Podcasts -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry 101 magazine, sign up for this free resource -

FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Summer Options for your kids ministry -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...