Friday, November 7, 2014

Some Books that Have Impacted My Life

I don’t want to burst anyone’s high perception of me, but I’m not an intellectual giant. I was a stellar student in grade school, but when I hit junior high and the courses became more advanced, my grades drifted toward average and my attention became more focused on the fields of athletics.  Then I quickly hit the ceiling in my athletic career as well.  Oh, well ….

I divulged all that to prepare you for what I’m about to share with you so your expectations won’t be so high.  Below is a list of books (besides the Bible - that's a given) that have had a deep impact on my life in regards to my spiritual walk, my professional career, and in helping me wrestle with the greatest challenge in my life - the lifelong, life threatening condition that my son, Jacob, dealt with and which ultimately resulted in his death at the tender age of 21.

Let me assure you that I have read more than these books but I wouldn't describe myself as a voracious reader.  In fact, reading is way down on my list of things I like to do.  You will readily recognize that when you look at my list.  There are no literary giants or no ageless classics on my list.  I have tried to read some of those from time to time and on rare occasions I have actually succeeded in completing one but I was usually thankful that I didn't face a quiz on the content because my head was still wading through the fog of words.  But before you brand me a Neanderthal, I am happy to admit that when I do succumb to reading, either as a pastime or to seek some knowledge or wisdom, I have been greatly rewarded and I say to myself, ‘I need to do more of this!’

So there have been many books that have inspired me, informed me, challenged me, angered me, forced me to think (I can hear your comments) and have brought me closer to God. But these particular books always seem to rise to the top when I’m asked to create my favorites list.  So here goes, in no certain order (except the last one), this is my list:

A.      Books that helped me develop my spiritual walk with God

This classic helped me to understand that there was a difference between knowing information about God and truly seeking to walk with Him and seeing Him at work around me and then joining Him there.

This book took me deep into a favorite passage of mine, Philippians 2:5: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”  His chapters on Jesus’ Gethsemane prayer and his death on the cross shook me to the core.

This book helped me to synthesize a plan for seeing my purpose in life and keeping that purpose in focus.

B.      Books that helped develop my professional effectiveness

This book, more than any seminary class, helped me, as I started out in my education ministry, to understand what the ingredients were that it took to grow a Sunday School and a church. And Andy did say that little can be accomplished unless it is done under God’s leadership.

You Can Double Your Class in Two Years or Less by Josh Hunt (  )

I loved Josh’s fresh, sometimes ‘did he really say that?’ approach to how to organically grow a Bible study group.

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni

The title alone scored points with me … but this narrative has solidified how I am to do my work in my current avenue of ministry.

C.      Books that helped me grapple with the tough issues in life

Both of these books came in a period of time when my wife, Karen, and I were facing life and death issues with the health of our son, Jacob.  Philip Yancey quickly became a favorite author of mine and I have devoured every book he has written. In addition to the two significant ones below, these have also left an imprint on me: Prayer, Does it make Any Difference?   - Soul Survivor   - Church? Why Bother?      - What’s so Amazing about Grace?   - The Bible Jesus Read    - What Good is God?  

Where is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey ( )

This book helped me to see the value in pain.

Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey ( )

This book addressed the questions I often shouted out: Why is God unfair? Why is He silent? Why is He hidden?  And sometimes I still shout them.

But my all time favorite book that has helped me understand my relationship with God and his call on my life is ….

Lessons from a Sheep Dog by Phillip Keller ( )

Maybe it’s because I am a huge dog lover, but this little book that contains the true story in Keller’s life helped to illustrate to me what I was created to do and what my relationship to God is all about.   The chapter where he illustrates the importance of obeying the command to stay while the shepherd leaves for another task has slapped me upside the head on numerous occasions.

In closing, I remind you that I never presumed to be a world class reader.  I often joke (and it’s a sad commentary) that most of my reading is in the sports section.  I readily recognize that I have denied myself an entire universe of mentors that could help me in my need for growth, wisdom, and understanding. 

But I do value what I have learned from these books and how they have shaped me in my spiritual and professional life (along with the host of other books that I’ve read).  You may have already read all of these, but if not, I encourage you to try them out.  Hopefully, you’ll be blessed and changed in a way like I have.


FOR EDUCATION MINISTRY LEADERS: GBACE Annual Conference, January 22, 2015 -

FOR NEW BELIEVERS: The Beginning -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERS: Gospel-Centered Teaching Conference with Trevin Wax, January 24, 2015 (for those using The Gospel Project Bible study resource) -

FOR BIBLE STUDY LEADERSHIP: 2015-18 Plans for The Gospel Project unveiled – A Chronological Journey for all ages! -

FOR LEADERS USING EXPLORE THE BIBLE: Free helps for lesson preparation and teaching tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age group ministries -

FOR LEADERS USING BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE: Free helps for lesson preparation and teaching tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age group ministries -

FOR LEADERS USING THE GOSPEL PROJECT: Free helps for lesson preparation and teaching tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age group ministries -

FOR FAMILY MINISTRY: Building a Family Legacy by Dr. James Dobson -

FOR SMALL GROUP MINISTRY: 3 Childcare Options for Small Groups by Rick Howerton -

FOR BIBLE STUDY RESOURCES: Download the new LifeWay catalog -

FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: LifeWay Girls Conference, Nashville, TN, February 20-21, 2015 -

FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin  -

Final Blog, addendum

As one final joke among my teammates, I was somehow selected to give the devotional at our final Zoom meeting.  Among the 30 team members, I...