Without volunteer labor and ministry, our churches would not exist. The recruitment and retention of volunteers should be one of the highest priorities of church leaders.
While we typically honor our paid labor force on Labor Day, I want to take the opportunity to focus on volunteer labor in our congregations. Specifically, I want to share with you ten ways the most effective churches are recruiting and retaining volunteers. In many cases, they have more than doubled the success of those churches where these approaches are not taken.
- Tie their work to the vision of the church. First, the church must have a clear and compelling vision. Then leaders should redundantly express how different volunteer ministries tie to that vision. Such a clarification gives purpose to the work of the volunteers. And without purpose, volunteer ministries struggle.
- Consider recruiting with specific end dates. If possible, recruit volunteers with a definitive term. They are much more likely to say “yes” if they know they will have a time when the work is done. At that time, they can renew their commitment or move to another area of passion.
- Recruit toward a member’s passion. Find out areas where members are already passionate and gifted. If not, you will have to recruit with compulsion or guilt. Volunteers recruited in that manner are not only likely to quit their work at the church; they are also likely to leave the church altogether.
- Honor your volunteers at least once a month. A number of churches have annual ministry appreciation banquets. That’s not sufficient. Leaders should find ways, even if it’s as simple as a phone call or email or letter, to honor volunteers at least monthly.
- Volunteer recruitment and retention should be the priority of the pastor. While pastors should by no means do all the work, they should make certain it is a priority focus of their ministries.
- Get your best leaders to oversee volunteer recruitment and retention. It’s just too important to hope oversight happens without strategy. Your best leaders should have the responsibility of oversight of these ministries.
- Communicate openly and frequently with volunteers. Indeed, a clear strategy should be in place for such communication. That is one reason why number 6 is so important.
- Recruit through relationships. Strategically ask people who already have healthy established relationships to work together in a ministry. Those relationships will be vital in keeping people motivated. After all, we all prefer to work with people we like.
- Provide periodic checkups. A critical part of the communication process should be a checkup to see how each volunteer is doing. It should be open, transparent, affirming, and non-threatening.
- Allow volunteers to quit honorably. Burnout is always a possibility. Members may discover that their ministry is actually a bad fit for them. They should have the prerogative of quitting, taking a break, or finding a new area of passion.
DIRECTORS: National Sunday School Director Seminar, October 25, FBC/Vidalia - http://www.lifeway.com/Event/Leadership-Training-National-Sunday-School-Director-Seminar-2014-Vidalia
EDUCATION: Minister of Education Roundtable at FBC/Woodstock, October 22 &
23 – Allan
Taylor is calling Ministers of Education to come together to discuss how to
disciple people with intentionality; call Angela at 678-494-2861, for details and registration
LEADERS USING EXPLORE THE BIBLE: Free helps for lesson preparation and teaching
tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age ministries: http://www.ministrygrid.com/web/explorethebible
LEADERS USING BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE: Free helps for lesson preparation and
teaching tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age ministries: http://www.ministrygrid.com/web/biblestudiesforlife
LEADERS USING THE GOSPEL PROJECT: Free helps for lesson preparation and
teaching tips for leaders in adult, student, and kids age ministries: http://www.ministrygrid.com/web/thegospelproject
STUDY: 2015 January Bible Study: Deuteronomy, A Challenge to a
New Generation - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/January-Bible-Study?intcmp=jbs-erdr-314
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Kids Ministry Conference, Nashville, TN, October 6-8
- http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/LifeWay-Kid%27s-Ministry-Conference?type=events&intcmp=KidsMinistryConferenceSearch-Button-KidsMinistryConference-20130426
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Using Technology with Preschoolers - http://www.lifeway.com/kidsministry/2014/07/14/using-technology-with-preschoolers/?emid=lcurtis-VBS-newsletter-20140806
FOR KIDS MINISTRY: Worship for Life: Kids, a large group,
media-driven, interactive worship experience for kids. - http://www.lifeway.com/Keyword/worship+for+life
FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: 5 Things to Remember about Ministry and Family - http://www.lifeway.com/studentministry/2014/08/28/5-things-to-remember-about-ministry-and-family/
FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: LifeWay Girls Conference, Nashville, TN,
February 20-21, 2015 - http://www.lifeway.com/Event/Student-Event-LifeWay-Girls-Conference-Nashville-TN
FOR STUDENT MINISTRY: Becoming a Young Man of God by Ken Rawsom - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/becoming-a-young-man-of-god-an-8-week-curriculum-for-middle-school-guys-P005148051
FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: A Beautiful Mess by Sherry Surratt &
Tracey Eyster - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/A-Beautiful-Mess?emid=BL-BeautifulMess-20140724
FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/the-family-of-jesus-bible-study-leader-kit-P005679770
FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/the-sermon-on-the-mount-leader-kit-p005644877
FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Children of the Day by Beth Moore - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Product-Family/Children-of-the-Day?emid=PD-Product-BSI-ChildrenoftheDayhero-20140424
FOR SENIOR ADULTS: Fall Celebration at Ridgecrest, NC, October
14-17 – http://www.lifeway.com/n/Adults/Senior-Adults?type=events&intcmp=SRAdultsSpec-MTX-Text-Events-20140417
Short Term studies you can download - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Special-Emphasis/Digital-Leader-Kits?emid=BL-Product-BSI-DigitalBundles-20140605
DISCIPLESHIP/PARENTING: Ready to Launch by J.D. & Veronica Greear - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/ready-to-launch-leader-kit-p005644089
Overwhelmed by
Perry Noble - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/overwhelmed-bible-study-kit-P005644093