Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Spiritual Disciplines for Effective Bible Study Leaders

Adapted from an article by David Francis

There are five disciplines that every effective Sunday School leader needs to practice:
 1. Continuous Preparation
The Sunday session always goes better when you start preparing early in the week. That may mean simply reading the scripture passage on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning, and perhaps glancing at the teaching materials, especially the teaching aim. By putting the passage and aim in your mind, you’ll become more sensitive to illustrations the rest of the week in the things you read, the people you encounter, and the experiences you have. And sometimes, in the stuff you buy that can aid your teaching of the lesson.
2. Connected Teaching
First you need to be connected to the Spirit’s leadership as you stand before your class on Sunday mornings. Be sensitive to His leading in how to present your Bible study lesson in a way that will be lived out in the lives of your students throughout the week. Then you need to connect to your class members. Know their learning styles and preferences and use teaching methods and aids that keep them connected to your lesson.
3. Consistent Prayer
Effective teachers know the spiritual needs of their class members and regularly pray for them. Make a notebook — or just get a spiral one — and make a page for each member. Keep a list of the needs in each one’s life. Note advances in their spiritual walk.
4. Concerned Ministry
Respond to your members in times of crisis. Occasionally try to see them face to face away from the class. Call or send a note on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.  Remember anniversaries of events other than marriage — loss of a job or getting a new one, a successful surgery or the beginning of physical therapy, moving into a new home, the birth of a child or the death of a spouse, etc. This kind of thing doesn’t just happen. It requires spiritual discipline.
5. Concerted Outreach
Be intentional in your outreach and be a role model. It is also important that you take along other leaders to show them how it’s done. Invite a group leader to accompany you on a visit to a prospect. Don’t just tell them to do it; show them how it’s done!


FOR EDUCATION LEADER TRAINING: Go Forward Conference, March 14-15, 2013, FBC/Woodstock -

FOR GREETER MINISTRY: Ten Ways to Make Visitors Feel Welcomed -

FOR CUSTOMIZED CURRICULUM: Discipleship in Context can provide a short term or ongoing Bible
studies that are customized to your church’s culture and focus -

FOR MEN’S MINISTRY: All Pro Dad simulcast, January 26, 2013 with Tony Dungy, Clark Kellogg, Tommy Bowden -

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: Secret Church with David Platt, March 29, 2013; studies on Heaven, Hell, and the end times –

FOR DISCIPLESHIP: How Can I Know? Answers to Life’s 7 Most Important Questions by Robert Jeffress -

FOR SMALL GROUPS: The God Anthology by Mark Batterson -

FOR BIBLE STUDY: Re-launch of Bible Studies for Life interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd -

Final Blog, addendum

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