Note special occasions. If your office posts a monthly list of employee birthdays, send a short email - just a simple note wishing them a great day.
Ask how someone is doing –and wait for a response. The next time you ask someone, “How are you doing?” stop them and really listen to their answer. Hint: You may have to follow up by asking, “How are you really doing?” or "On a scale of 1 to 10, where would you rate that?"
Pick up the slack. Help someone. Offer to make their copies when you're through with the machine. Stay late to help someone meet a deadline.
Reprimand kindly. If you must reprimand someone, follow Christ's command to treat others as you could like to be treated. Do it privately and kindly. If appropriate, offer to help the person in his area of struggle. If you receive a reprimand, control your temper. Take a walk, cool off, and request to speak with your supervisor privately if follow-up is needed. If you have a true difference of opinion, express it professionally while showing respect for your supervisor’s authority.
Be generous. Buy a $3.50 box of Girl Scouts cookies from a coworker's child, pay with a $5 bill, and tell her to keep the change. Practice going the extra mile.
Recognize Someone. Every week, pick out one person – it could be the janitor or the boss – and thank him or her for doing their job well.
Provide Laughter. Laughter is good medicine. Post a cartoon in the break room. Leave a mystery gag gift in someone’s chair. Lift someone’s spirits. But always be sensitive and appropriate in your subject.
Write it down. Keep a supply of note cards in your desk drawer. When someone is on your mind, take it as the Holy Spirit’s prompting to drop a line to them saying that you’re thinking/praying for them.
Remember the quote from Mark Twain: "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

Copyright 1998, Dik Lapine and Christianity Today International/ Used with permission.
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