We are less than two months away from the world-wide premiere of Sherwood Pictures latest project, "Courageous". By now, I assume you have heard or seen something about the movie. You may have taken advantage of an opportunity to see a special screening of it. I hope you have sensed the impact this movie holds on our fathers, our churches, and our communities.
Here are some answers to anticipated (and already asked) questions:
Q1. Where is a list of places where the movie is scheduled to be shown that opening weekend?
A1. The Courageous website (www.courageousthemovie.com) is a cornucopia of information and promotional help. On this site, you can type in your location's zip code and find out where the nearest scheduled theater is. You can also go ahead and pre-order your tickets on this site.
Q2. How do we go about reserving an entire theater for a showing of Courageous?
A2. On the website, you'll see a section that details how to be an Action Squad member for this purpose.
Q3. What can we do to get our church involved in using Courageous as a community outreach?
A3. There is a Church Campaign Kit ( http://www.lifeway.com/Product/courageous-church-campaign-kit-P005371570) that has some great ideas and resources to do this. It contains a copy of the small group study, Courageous Living; four sermon ideas; plus other promotional ideas.
Q4. Where can we get promotional material for the movie?
A4. The Courageous Starter Pack (http://www.lifeway.com/Product/courageous-starter-pack-P005422171) contains a large banner, various posters, and multiple samples of bulletin inserts, promotional tickets, etc. church members can use to promote the movie.
Q5. What small group study options are there?
A5a. Courageous Living is a 4 session study that is video supported (http://www.lifeway.com/Product/courageous-living-bible-study-leader-kit-P005371695). This can be used as a men's study or co-ed study.
A5b. The Resolution for Men (http://www.lifeway.com/Product/the-resolution-for-men-P005324584) is a study book that can be used in a men's small group that enjoys a book discussion approach.
A5c. The Resolution for Women (http://www.lifeway.com/Product/the-resolution-for-women-P005446991) is a study book similar to the book listed above that is targeted for women.
Q6. Will there be any other 'Courageous' themed studies?
A6a. At the beginning of next year, 'Honor Begins at Home' will be released. It will be an 8 week study that has clips from the movie and will contain a DVD copy of the movie.
A6b. Beginning next year, there will be a new approach to men's ministry that will be offered by LifeWay which will incorporate a series of studies to help men to live courageously. More information on this will be released shortly.
SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERSHIP: 'EXCELerate Your Sunday School' Workshops around the state; find the closest one to you at - http://gabaptist.org/contentpages.aspx?parentnavigationid=9520&theparentnavigationid=4896&viewcontentpageguid=8b0dda97-1270-4907-a821-59c8df31a24b
PRE-TEEN MINISTRY: for samples, videos, and other 'stuff' check out FLYTE (Faith, Life, Together), www.lifeway.com/flyte
WOMEN'S MINISTRY: Two new Beth Moore studies, 'James' & 'So Long Insecurity' - http://www.lifeway.com/n/Popular-Authors/Beth-Moore?CID=RDR-BethMoore
WOMEN'S MINISTRY: '5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son' - http://www.lifeway.com/Product/5-conversations-you-must-have-with-your-son-leader-kit-P005342723