(adapted from an article in www.Carepages.com)
December is known for a time of giving. Here are some ways to give something to someone this month or any other month of the year.
1. Give blood. One pint of blood can save three lives.
2. Give life. By being an organ donor you can save the lives of up to 50 people.
3. Give companionship. Call someone and brighten their day.
4. Give entertainment. Host a table game tournament for family and friends.
5. Give before you’re asked to. Volunteer to help an organization in your area.
6. Give confidence. Donate your locks to a child suffering from long-term hair loss due to illness at www.locksoflove.org.
7. Give wisdom. Become a role model to someone who can benefit from the wisdom of your experience. Mentoring.org can help you find the right opportunities in your area.
8. Give love. Adopt an abandoned or mistreated pet from a local shelter. Or volunteer your time to walk dogs on your lunch hour.
9. Give togetherness. Volunteer with your family. Familycares.org offers ideas for several kid-friendly projects you can do all together, from helping the homeless to holiday-specific projects.
10. Give warmth. Clean out everything in your closet you haven’t worn in more than a year and donate it to your thrift store.
11. Give energy. Call you local utilities company and give to their program to help families in need with their electric bill.
12. Give gratitude. Write a note to a parent or good friend, telling them how much you love them.
13. Give compliments. Point out something special about every person you encounter today.
14. Give yourself a break. Enjoy a timeout from chores today. Do something "frivolous" instead: eat cake for breakfast, get a massage or watch bad TV.
15. Give yourself time. Get up 30 minutes earlier in the day to do something you never have time for. Meditate, exercise, read or just enjoy the stillness!
16. Give yourself props. Write down three things you really like about yourself. Refer to this list the next time you need a boost.
17. Give it a shot. Resolve to take up that new hobby or register for that new class you’ve been thinking about forever.
18. Give hugs. Never underestimate the power of the human embrace.
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FOR CHURCH STAFF: "The Exchange with Ed Stetzer", a free monthly live webcast featuring Ed Stetzer to discuss issues of the day that confront churches and church staff - http://www.lifeway.com/article/169973/
FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERSHIP: Sunday School in HD Conference, March 10-11, 2011 - http://www.sundayschoolinhd.org/
FOR MINISTERS OF EDUCATION: Annual GBREA meeting, January 20-21, 2011, "Being a Transformational Church" with Bruce Raley - http://www.sundayschoolinhd.org/
FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP: How to use the Transformational Church Assessment Tool to its Greatest Effect - http://www.lifeway.com/article/170252/
FOR PASTORS: "Pastoring with Passion" by David Holt - http://www.churchsmart.com/store/viewItem.asp?idproduct=1263
FOR CHURCH STAFF: "Kickstarting a Plateaued or Declining Church" by Ed Stetzer - http://www.edstetzer.com/2010/10/kick-starting-the-plateaued-an.html
FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP: "Courageous" the movie, to be released in September - http://www.courageousthemovie.com/home
FOR CHILDREN'S MINISTRY: Theo, an upcoming animated small group discipleship for kids - http://blogs.lifeway.com/blog/kidsministry101/2010/11/a-sneak-peek-at-theo.html
FOR DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY: "Read the Bible for Life", a whole church emphasis for biblical literacy - http://www.lifeway.com/product/005253507/