If your group spends more time talking about prayer than actually praying, or if the prayers sound too much like “gimme” lists, try some of the following ideas:
1. Alphabet Soup. Call out a letter of the alphabet. As people in the group think of an attribute or aspect of God’s nature beginning with that letter, have them say the word or phrase and then briefly praise God for that character quality. For example, if you say, “T,” a group member might respond with “Trustworthy: Lord, thank you that I can trust You.” Another says, “Tenderness: God, I praise you for your tender loving care.” To keep things moving, the leader mentions another letter frequently.
2. The Name Above All Names. Compile a list of the different forms of the name Jehovah and what they mean. Hand out copies to the group and ask them to spend a few minutes meditating on the names. Invite each member to share a name that is particularly meaningful to him or her and to turn it into a short prayer. The person praying might say, “Father, You are Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. Thank You for providing me with a person to talk to this week when I was lonely but too afraid to admit it.”
3. Sign-in Prayer Requests. If your time is limited, a sign-in system can help the group spend less time explaining prayer needs and more time praying. Have a sheet of paper ready and ask people to write down their requests as they arrive or before the meeting begins. During prayer time, read each item aloud and ask someone to pray about it.
4. Prayer Shuffle. A variation on the sign-in sheet is to have members note requests on index cards. If you have many needs to pray for, divide into groups of three. Shuffle the cards and hand out a few to each group.
5. Global Perspective. Lead the group in praying for specific needs of missionaries around the country and around the world. Download daily requests from http://imb.org/compassionnet/TodaysPrayer.asp and http://www.namb.net/root/home/prayer/ .
6. Community Concerns. Clip articles from your newspaper about local issues or people who have specific needs. Use the clippings as a basis for intercession either with the group as a whole or in pairs
1. Alphabet Soup. Call out a letter of the alphabet. As people in the group think of an attribute or aspect of God’s nature beginning with that letter, have them say the word or phrase and then briefly praise God for that character quality. For example, if you say, “T,” a group member might respond with “Trustworthy: Lord, thank you that I can trust You.” Another says, “Tenderness: God, I praise you for your tender loving care.” To keep things moving, the leader mentions another letter frequently.
2. The Name Above All Names. Compile a list of the different forms of the name Jehovah and what they mean. Hand out copies to the group and ask them to spend a few minutes meditating on the names. Invite each member to share a name that is particularly meaningful to him or her and to turn it into a short prayer. The person praying might say, “Father, You are Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who provides. Thank You for providing me with a person to talk to this week when I was lonely but too afraid to admit it.”
3. Sign-in Prayer Requests. If your time is limited, a sign-in system can help the group spend less time explaining prayer needs and more time praying. Have a sheet of paper ready and ask people to write down their requests as they arrive or before the meeting begins. During prayer time, read each item aloud and ask someone to pray about it.
4. Prayer Shuffle. A variation on the sign-in sheet is to have members note requests on index cards. If you have many needs to pray for, divide into groups of three. Shuffle the cards and hand out a few to each group.
5. Global Perspective. Lead the group in praying for specific needs of missionaries around the country and around the world. Download daily requests from http://imb.org/compassionnet/TodaysPrayer.asp and http://www.namb.net/root/home/prayer/ .
6. Community Concerns. Clip articles from your newspaper about local issues or people who have specific needs. Use the clippings as a basis for intercession either with the group as a whole or in pairs
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